By Sam Kessler The Qualcomm saga of the past couple years can be characterized as being a potential mega merger gone badly, survivors of a hostile takeover bid, and a company that is constantly drenched in legal battles with a great corporate adversary. Blend this with the geopolitical and technological competition between the United States […]
How Qualcomm Became a Trade War and National Security Story
Filed Under: 5G technology, Geopolitics, Global Security & Geopolitical Navigation Series, Intelligence, Strategy, & Trends Series, Qualcomm, Sam's Blog, Savvy Investor Meets Speculative Trader Series, trade war and national security Tagged With: Apple lawsuit with Qualcomm, great power competition, Qualcom NXP deal, Qualcom saga, Qualcom vs Broadcom, tech cold war, Trade War with China, U.S.-China Trade War